


Ø 教学及研究方向(主讲课程)


Ø 教学及科研奖励

1. 2020年南京审计大学课程思政建设优秀成果“课程思政优秀案例”二等奖,1/1。

2. 2018年度新进教职工“教学新秀”,1/2

Ø 主持科研项目

1. 2020-2023 国家自然科学基金面上项目。

2. 2019-2022 江苏省社会科学基金青年项目。

3. 2018-2020  江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目

Ø 出版专著及教材

Theory and Approaches of Group Decision-making with Uncertain Linguistic Expressions》,Springer出版社,2019.01

Ø 发表论文

1. Hai Wang, Huchang Liao, Zeshui Xu, Order relations and operations on the set of probabilistic linguistic term sets, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3062294.

2. Hai Wang, Dejian Yu, Zeshui Xu, A novel process to determine consensus thresholds and its application in probabilistic linguistic group decision-making, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 168, 114315, 2021.

3. Hai Wang, Huchang Liao, Bing Huang, Zeshui Xu, Determining consensus thresholds for group decision making with preference relations, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 72 (10), pp. 2290-2300, 2021.

4. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Huchang Liao, Consistency measures of linguistic preference relations with hedges, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 27, pp. 372-386, 2019.

5. Hai Wang, Chao Xu, Zeshui Xu, An approach to evaluate the methods of determining experts’ objective weights based on evolutionary game theory, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 182, 2019, 104862.

6. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets for linguistic decision making: Current developments, issues and challenges, Information Fusion, Vol. 43, pp. 1-12, 2018.

7. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Linguistic terms with weakened hedges: A model for qualitative decision making under uncertainty, Information Sciences, Vol. 433-434, pp. 37-54, 2018.

8. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Modeling complex linguistic expressions in qualitative decision making: An overview, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 144, pp. 174-187, 2018.

9. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Witold Pedrycz, An overview on the roles of fuzzy set techniques in big data processing: Trends, challenges and opportunities, Knowledge-based Systems, Vol. 118, pp. 15-30, 2017.

10. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Some consistency measures of extended hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations, Information Sciences, Vol. 297, pp.316-331, 2015.

11. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Admissible orders of typical hesitant fuzzy elements and their application in ordered information fusion in multi-criteria decision making, Information Fusion, Vol. 29, pp. 98-104, 2016.

12. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Interactive algorithms for improving incomplete linguistic preference relations based on consistency measures, Applied Soft Computing, 2016, 42: 66-79.

13. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Hamido Fujita, Shousheng Liu, Towards felicitous decision making: An overview on challenges and trends of Big Data, Information Sciences, Vol. 367-368, pp. 747-765, 2016.

14. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Total orders of extended hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets: Definitions, generations and applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 107, pp. 142-154, 2016.

15. Hai Wang, Extended hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their aggregation in group decision making, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 14-33, 2015.

16. Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Multi groups decision making using intuitionistic-valued hesitant fuzzy information, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 9, pp. 468-482, 2016.

17. Zeshui Xu, Hai Wang, Managing multi-granularity linguistic information in qualitative group decision making: an overview, Granular Computing, Vol. 1, pp. 21-35, 2016.

18. Zeshui Xu, Hai Wang, On the syntax and semantics of virtual linguistic terms for information fusion in decision making, Information Fusion, Vol. 34, pp. 43-48, 2017. (Highly cited Paper)

19. Qi Pang, Hai Wang, Zeshui Xu, Probabilistic linguistic term sets in multi-attribute group decision making, Information Sciences, Vol. 369, pp. 128-143, 2016. (Highly cited Paper)

Ø 授权发明专利与转让情况


Ø 联系方式
